13 research outputs found

    Influence of Modularity and Regularity on Disparity of Atelostomata Sea Urchins

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    A modularity approach is used to study disparity rates and evolvability of sea urchins belonging to the Atelostomata superorder. For this purpose, the pentameric sea urchin architecture is partitioned into modular spatial components and the interference between modules is quantified using areas and a measurement of the regularity of the spatial partitions. This information is used to account for the variability through time (disparity) and potential for morphological variation and evolution (evolvability) in holasteroid echinoids. We obtain that regular partitions of the space produce modules with high modular integrity, whereas irregular partitions produce low modular integrity; the former ones are related with high morphological disparity (facilitation hypothesis). Our analysis also suggests that a pentameric body plan with low regularity rates in Atelostomata reflects a stronger modular integration among modules than within modules, which could favors bilaterality against radial symmetry. Our approach constitutes a theoretical platform to define and quantify spatial organization in partitions of the space that can be related to modules in a morphological analysis

    Regularidad en la clase Echinoidea /

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    \ua0tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas, presenta Juan López Sauceda ; asesor José Luis Aragón Vera. 109 páginas :\ua0ilustraciones. Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas\ua0UNAM, Instituto de Neurobiología,\ua0200

    Pentamerism and modularity in sea urchins

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    La simetría pentagonal resulta de importancia en muchas áreas de la ciencia. En particular, es conocido que un patrón básico en el diseño de muchos animales y plantas es pentámero, en el sentido de que se compone de cinco partes. A pesar de varios esfuerzos orientados a explicar este hecho, no existe una explicación definitiva para la abundancia del pentamerismo en la naturaleza. En esta nota usamos a los erizos de mar como ejemplos de trabajo para proponer algunas ideas, basadas en la partición eficiente del espacio y el concepto de sistema modular, que pueden ofrecer claves para entender las ventajas de una partición pentámera del plan corporal en sistemas biológicos.Fivefold symmetry is important in many scientific areas. In particular, five-part units or pentamerism is a basic pattern in the design of many animals and plants. Despite some efforts, a definite explanation of the abundance of this pentamerism is still missing. In this note we use sea urchins as working examples to propose some ideas, based on spatial efficiency arguments and the concept of modular systems, which can give clues to understand the advantages of a pentameral body plan partition in biological systems


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    La simetría pentagonal resulta de importancia en muchas áreas de la ciencia. En particular, es conocido que un patrón básico en el diseño de muchos animales y plantas es pentámero, en el sentido de que se compone de cinco partes. A pesar de varios esfuerzos orientados a explicar este hecho, no existe una explicación definitiva para la abundancia del pentamerismo en la naturaleza. En esta nota usamos a los erizos de mar como ejemplos de trabajo para proponer algunas ideas, basadas en la partición eficiente del espacio y el concepto de sistema modular, que pueden ofrecer claves para entender las ventajas de una partición pentámera del plan corporal en sistemas biológicos

    A Method to Categorize 2-Dimensional Patterns Using Statistics of Spatial Organization

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    We developed a measurement framework of spatial organization to categorize 2-dimensional patterns from 2 multiscalar biological architectures. We propose that underlying shapes of biological entities can be approached using the statistical concept of degrees of freedom, defining it through expansion of area variability in a pattern. To help scope this suggestion, we developed a mathematical argument recognizing the deep foundations of area variability in a polygonal pattern (spatial heterogeneity). This measure uses a parameter called eutacticity . Our measuring platform of spatial heterogeneity can assign particular ranges of distribution of spatial areas for 2 biological architectures: ecological patterns of Namibia fairy circles and epithelial sheets. The spatial organizations of our 2 analyzed biological architectures are demarcated by being in a particular position among spatial order and disorder. We suggest that this theoretical platform can give us some insights about the nature of shapes in biological systems to understand organizational constraints

    Spatial Organization of Five-Fold Morphology as a Source of Geometrical Constraint in Biology

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    A basic pattern in the body plan architecture of many animals, plants and some molecular and cellular systems is five-part units. This pattern has been understood as a result of genetic blueprints in development and as a widely conserved evolutionary character. Despite some efforts, a definitive explanation of the abundance of pentagonal symmetry at so many levels of complexity is still missing. Based on both, a computational platform and a statistical spatial organization argument, we show that five-fold morphology is substantially different from other abundant symmetries like three-fold, four-fold and six-fold symmetries in terms of spatial interacting elements. We develop a measuring system to determine levels of spatial organization in 2D polygons (homogeneous or heterogeneous partition of defined areas) based on principles of regularity in a morphospace. We found that spatial organization of five-fold symmetry is statistically higher than all other symmetries studied here (3 to 10-fold symmetries) in terms of spatial homogeneity. The significance of our findings is based on the statistical constancy of geometrical constraints derived from spatial organization of shapes, beyond the material or complexity level of the many different systems where pentagonal symmetry occurs

    Maxillary sinus balloon lifting and deferred implantation of 50 osseointegrated implants: a prospective, observational, non-controlled study

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of minimally invasive antral membrane balloon elevation (MIAMBE). Twenty-seven patients with severe resorption of the posterior maxilla were treated by balloon catheter-assisted sinus lift procedure with deferred implant placement. Panoramic radiographs and computed tomography scans were obtained prior to surgery and at 6 months after surgery, before implantation. Data collected following surgery included inflammation, pain, bleeding, infection, and haematoma. Pain and inflammation were recorded using a six-point verbal rating scale (VRS). The patients were followed up for an average of 15 months. The initial sinus floor height was measured for each planned implant and compared with the height at 6 months post-surgery. The average bone height gain was 8.10 ± 3.45 mm (range 0.5–13.95 mm). Inflammation on the VRS ranged from 0 to 3 (mean 0.97 ± 0.85), while pain ranged from 0 to 4 (mean 0.87 ± 1.19). There was a perforation of the Schneiderian membrane smaller than 2 mm in one case. In another case, the balloon lift procedure had to be aborted and changed to the conventional Tatum technique due to breakage of the balloon inside the sinus. The results of this study show the balloon sinus lift technique to be an easy procedure to perform, with apparently low rates of inflammation and pain, and to provide sufficient quantity and quality of bone for the placement of osseointegrated implants.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Patrimonio biocultural, saberes y derechos de los pueblos originarios

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    Durante el mes de octubre de 2010, la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (UNICH), a través de su cuerpo académico "Patrimonio, Territorio y Desarrollo en la Frontera Sur de México" y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, sede México (FLACSO-México), por medio de la maestría en Derechos Humanos y Democracia, organizaron conjuntamente el Primer Foro Internacional "Patrimonio biocultural, saberes ambientales y derechos de los pueblos originarios". En dicho evento participaron alrededor de 40 ponentes que presentaron diferentes trabajos sobre la situación del patrimonio biocultural en América Latina, los movimientos de defensa de la naturaleza y de la diversidad cultural de los pueblos originarios, las perspectivas de la interculturalidad y del feminismo en nuestros pueblos. durante dos días, los ponentes debatieron y reflexionaron en torno a las nuevas categorías que nos permiten acercarnos a otra forma de pensar el desarrollo y el buen vivir. En el presente volumen se ofrecen las principales conclusiones del foro.Contenido Introducción. . . 9 Sección i. Patrimonio biocultural y saberes ambientales: construyendo el objeto de estudio Tramas y sentidos: Racionalidad y saberes ambientales, abriendo la complejidad. . .17 Raúl Pérez Verdi y José Luis Sulvaran Para un conocimiento alternativo de las alternativas. A propósito de Boaventura de Sousa Santos. . . 27 José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado Feminismo, género y educación superior intercultural.. . . . 53 Carmen Levario Interculturalidad crítica y buen vivir desde una perspectiva latinoamericana. . 63 Agustín Ávila Romero y Juan Pohlenz Córdova... 63 Sección ii. Patrimonio biocultural Patrimonio biocultural de los pueblos originarios de Chiapas: retos y perspectivas... 83 Miguel Sánchez Álvarez De boca a oído: la oralidad de los pueblos originarios, un saber en decadencia ...99 Antonio Nájera Castellanos Belleza indígena. . . . 111 Manuel Bolom Sección iii. Pueblos indígenas, megaproyectos y desarrollo Pueblos indígenas y megaproyectos en México: las nuevas rutas del despojo . .123 Francisco López Barcenas De desalojos, desplazamientos y derechos de comunidades indígenas y campesinas por grandes represas. El caso de El Zapotillo en los Altos de Jalisco. . . . 141 Guadalupe Espinoza Sauceda Las nuevas orientaciones del desarrollo regional . . . . . . . 155 Rodolfo Plinio Escobar Sección iv. Mecanismos de defensa del patrimonio biocultural y experiencias de organización La agroecología: una estrategia para la defensa del territorio . . . . . 187 León Enrique Ávila Romero El paso de la autonomía de hecho a la autonomía de derecho. Reflexiones desde el caso boliviano. . . . . . . 205 Johny Ledezma Rivera Reapropiación de la cultura del pueblo mam y ejido La Hacienda del municipio de Bellavista, Chiapas . . . . . . . . . 225 Marcos Giron Hernánde